Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Advent Shawl 2016

I know that tomorrow is Thanksgiving in United States and most have their minds 
turning to family events and delicious foods to serve.
Now, is also the time to think of preparations for Advent.
Every year for the past several years I've been knitting for advent--it is a 
time for me to reflect on the season as I knit a few rows each day on a shawl.

This year is no different--unikatissima is providing the row by row, day by
day knitting pattern for this lovely shawl.  Maybe, you'll join us on this

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Advent Socks

This MKAL is for a sock pattern. They are knit in two colours, and have sections of stranded knitting. They are knit from the top down, and the pattern will be released in four parts, one each sunday of advent, which means the following days
27 november
4 december
11 december
18 december
The pattern is written in two sizes. Choose your size depending on the width of your foot and instep rather than the length of the foot. Most important is that you try on the sock several times when you knit it so that you are certain that you’re able to get it over your heel.
Yarn: Two colours of fingering weight yarn. I recommend 50 grams of Colour 1 (C1) and 100 grams of Colour 2 (C2)
Gauge: 32 stitches/10 cm (4”) of stockinette
Needles: 2,5 mm dpns or the size you need to get gauge.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Wovember Or Sheep, Sheep, Sheep!

WOVEMBER is about…

* recognising that WOOL is a premium textile which comes from an actual sheep, and
that – as such – the terms WOOL, WOOLLY and WOOLLEN should only be applied to real WOOL and not, for instance, to polyester or viscose.
* celebrating the important heritage and contemporary value of WOOL through our 100% WOOL stories, blog posts, pictures, textiles, and garments.
* educating and informing the wider public of the wondrous qualities of WOOL.
* creatively pushing the idea that the word WOOL should refer to sheep’s WOOL only.
*reconnecting the idea of WOOL to the animals and people involved in its creation and manufacture.
* campaigning for a clarification of trading standards to prevent further misuse of the term WOOL.

Enter the WOVEMBER COMPETITION by sending us a 100% wool photograph for the WOVEMBER gallery. (Fabulous 100% WOOL prizes are on offer!)
* Have fun WITH WOOL!!!

To involve yourself with WOVEMBER, you can…

* endeavour to wear as MUCH WOOL AS POSSIBLE throughout the month of WOVEMBER, and tell everyone about the unique qualities of WOOL.
* sign the WOVEMBER PETITION to support changes to textile trading standards and product descriptions.
* TALK ABOUT WHAT WOOL MEANS TO YOU throughout WOVEMBER on your blogs, sites, facebook pages, twitter feeds, and other social media.
* PUBLICISE WOVEMBER by sharing our button (below) and linking to this site.
* send us WOVEMBER stories about sheep, wool, knitting, weaving or other endeavours which celebrate WOOL in all its sheepy glory!

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Winter Wanderings Stitchery

Yes, I'm late to the party, as usual!  There is a chance I can play catch-up and get into stitching with these gals.  There are only four blocks to this stitchery wall hanging--easy enough to do--right?!

First block from Ellie's Quilt Place  You can find the setting instructions
on her website.

This block #2 from Els-Bobbin 
There will be two more blocks, so tune into one of these gals website to
pick up those free stitching patterns.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

A Belfry of Hats!

I'm knitting away on my mystery hat patterns from Woolly Wormhead.  This is one of my favorite hat designers!  The features on the hat patterns are always unique and interesting.  I found this yarn in
my stash, of course.  It doesn't show the pattern too well, but it features several cables that decrease on each other.  Each Wednesday a new section on the pattern is released.
Look at this:  Free patterns from Woolly Wormhead!  Try your hand at one of her patterns.

How about this MAN HAT!  A quick and easy knit for that special man in your life.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Peace Project

The Peace Project goes live on November 28!  What a super idea--let peace begin with ME and YOU!
Full pattern is available on November 28 with the Peace-along beginning on December 1.
Peace, we need it now more than ever.
“Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.”
Last year after conducting the first “peace-along” It was jokingly said “if we could get knitters around the globe to focus on peace for 21 days we might create world peace.” At this point , no joking, what have we got to lose?
This  cowl pattern was designed by Christina Campbell to have a bit of a soothing stitch pattern. It’s a 4-row repeat. Knit ~1 repeat per day and at the end of 21 days (or close to it) you’ll have a peaceful cowl. Optional i-cord edging.
What’s a peace-along? There will be a daily tip on how to infuse more peace into your life. These tips will be available on my blog each day from December 1-21. They’ll be simple things, some from me and others from a few guests.
What you need:
  • Stash dive or purchase something yummy for your soul. Approximately 450-550 yds of fingering weight yarn. I used 2 skeins of Brooklyn Tweed LOFT. I love the rustic feel…it’s the intersection of luxury and strength.
  • Christina had lots of questions regarding color choices. She made 3…one from Wonderland fingering weight (Goat’s Beard color way) which was light grey and white. It’s gorgeous but the stitch pattern doesn’t show up as much as the solid color versions. The other two are made from Brooklyn Tweed Loft.
  • can you use variegated? Why not? If it brings you joy and peace then why not. 
  • If you are buying for this project maybe pick a solid or mildly tonal.
  • size 4 or 5 needles (US) ~32 inches. gauge information forthcoming.
Can you help create world peace? Spread this information as far and wide as you can. How many knitters can we get involved?
“Buy” the pattern now and you’ll get an update when the pattern goes live on 11/28. 
“Fav” the pattern. 
“Start a project” 
Share on social media…tell all your friends. 
Use the hashtag #peacealong2016 on Instagram. 
Subscribe to my blog ( to get updates on Project Peace. 
Tell your LYS and have your own peace-along in December. 
 a thread on the Healthy Knitter Ravelry group, join us here:

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Santa Comes To You!

Quilting Digest has a simple but effective Santa pattern for you!
All this from a Log Cabin block!

So great for your tree, the mantle or gifts for friends.
Happy stitching!


  The origin of Mother’s Day has been associated with Miss Anna M. Jarvis. Jarvis (b. May 1, 1864 – Nov. 24, 1948), an especially devoted da...