Thursday, August 27, 2015

Revisit--ART! Paper......................................

On a recent blog topic, I asked "What is Art?"  So I thought it might be interesting to explore different aspects of "Art" pieces.  For the next few blog articles, I will feature art pieces and their makers.  First up is
Helen Hiebert who works in paper!  She features a weekly blog with different topics.
This weeks topic is Folded envelopes

What fun to work with handmade paper.  Her website gives you the opportunity to
enjoy the art of paper making.  Check out Pinterest and the art of envelope folding.
I spent a good hour or more browsing through her artistic pieces and learning how
this 'art' has influenced our lives!
What is Art?--Paper!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Another Pair of Socks?

How many pair of hand knit socks can one person have?  You can only wear one pair at a time.  And if you needed to wear a pair every day, which I don't, why do you keep knitting socks?  Can we call it an obsession!?? 
Here is the yarn for the this pair of socks--never knitted with this brand before. 
I usually begin my socks on four double pointed needles

transfer to two circular needles, knit to heel and once again back to pointy sticks

The pattern is designed by general-hogbuffer and is called "Bovary"
You can find this pattern--where else?? but on Ravelry! 

“Madame Bovary (1856) is the French writer Gustave Flaubert’s debut novel. The story focuses on a doctor’s wife, Emma Bovary, who has adulterous affairs and lives beyond her means in order to escape the banalities and emptiness of provincial life. Though the basic plot is rather simple, even archetypal, the novel’s true art lies in its details and hidden patterns.” ( Wikipedia )
We are heading to the toe!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Tea + Knitting + Mystery = Perfect!!

It's close to September and the time to sip a hot Earl Grey tea, sit, relax and think about the next sock knitting mystery!
Yes, I know!  Not another mystery! and another pair of socks??  What's wrong with that gal?
But, I love tea and when I saw this sock knitting challenge was a mystery too--I just couldn't resist.
Five clues will be released around 5-7 am EST on
September 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29.
Top-down. Cables, lace, and BEADS!!  Fleegle heel--something new to my knitting technique! 
74 beads required.  Written in honor of tea drinkers and Star Trek fans everywhere!  Designed by Heidi Nick.  Pattern is free for Sock Knitters Anonymous Ravelry group

Okay, as a bonus, I'll give you couple Earl Grey tea recipes. 

Ingredients for Earl Grey Hot Chocolate:  Serves 2

  • 1 ½ cups milk
  • 1 ½ tsp earl grey tea
  • 6 square of dark chocolate, or to taste
  • 1. Combine the milk and tea in a saucepan and gently heat without boiling. Continue heating for approximately 10 minutes. The milk will take on a light tea color.
  • 2. Place 3 (or more if desired) squares of chocolate into a heatproof glass. Pour the milk over the chocolate using a tea strainer/colander to strain off the leaves. Serve.  

Or how about an iced Earl Grey Tea:  Brew your Earl Grey tea strong--twice as much bags or leaves as usual.  Steep about 5 minutes.  Pour over ice, add some simple sugar syrup, little vanilla and add milk!  Ahhhh, delicious!


      Monday, August 24, 2015

      Boro--The Art of Mending!

      Mending?  When the kids were small, I would be mending small holes on torn jeans, socks, shirts, etc.  just to save money.  Today we look at Boro--mending extra-ordinary! 
      Now, if and when I need to mend--I will think of Boro and the artistic value of my stitches!
      Slow Stitching by Jaki Bogg
      A Japanese folk textile known today as 'the art of repair'. Boro textiles were the domain of the ordinary man and represented a collective, impoverished past. Boro faded out after the mid-twentieth century when Japan's society progressively moved towards mass-scale modernization. The patchwork practice was utilized by the rural population of Japan, predominantly in the northern region, as they couldn't afford new clothing. This meant extensively patching and mending littles scraps of fabrics over worn-out areas or holes within the cloth. In most cases, the fabrics were indigo dyed using the traditional 'Aizome' or 'Ai' method, which is said to be an ancient technique from 4000-5000 years ago. The basic raw material is the leaf of the 'Polygonum Tinctorium' mostly harvested in southern parts of Japan. The process yields a color that is commonly known as "Japan Blue" because of its unique hue. The dye also had natural properties to repel insects, preventing odors and a remedy for skin trouble. 
      The scraps of fabrics were often sewn together using the 'Sashiko' needlework method (The Japanese Art of Quilting) to strengthen a single layer of fabric for patching worn cloth or quilting per se, and the purpose was to extend the overall life of the textile. Aesthetically, Sashiko is a contrasting running stitch worked in repeating or interlocking patterns. The closer the stitches, the more durable to garment therefore becomes.
      Boro textiles were commonly used in farmer jackets, firefighter jackets, fisherman jackets and futons
      Mending by Karen Swing

      Sunday, August 23, 2015

      Painting With Wool Fiber and Fabric Workshop

      Catherine O'Leary is presenting a painting with wool fiber and fabric over Labor Weekend.  This feltmaking workshop has two parts, in the first part we will be creating individual designs on fine silk fabric through the application of drawing, stenciling, mono printing and block printing. These fabrics will then be used to create nuno pre-felts which will be incorporated into a garment, wall piece or homewares. The focus of the workshop will be on surface design and composition.  This workshop is being held through Contemporary Handweavers of Houston

      Saturday, August 22, 2015

      Happy Birthday DR Dawn!

      August 22!  Our lives changed forever--this sweet face arrived in our world.
      She is left handed!  She is a middle child! 
      This child went out into the world to become
      a motivator!
      an educator!
      She challenged each of us with her wit, charisma and never let go of her dream!

      That little girl became a doctor!  She changed the lives of those who have passed through her life!  We are all better for the day when she arrived!
      Happy birthday DR Dawn!

      Friday, August 21, 2015

      Yarn Along The Rockies

      Yarn Along The Rockies is a 9 day yarn crawl with a Passport Tour of 24 participating yarn shops across the front range of Colorado. With SIX grand prizes, generous schwag baskets provided at each store, and lots of crawl discounts, there are lots of opportunities to win!

      Yarn Along The Rockies is happening next week--beginning August 22 and ending August 30th!
      Who says I don't need any yarn??  Not me!  I can always use some yarn--stash it, if necessary!

      Here's the map--plan out your trip and maybe, our paths will cross along the way!
      Happy yarn gathering!

      X Y Z

       X Y Z   The slang phrase XYZ, meaning “examine your zipper,”  has been used since at least the 1960's  These letters are used for const...