Monday, June 29, 2015


Just yesterday we were writing about HAPs and patterns by Gudrun Johnston.
Then I found these delightful hat patterns
that are being used for a HATALONG!
I'm loving Gudrun's patterns!
Fringe Association is where you can find this HAT ALONG and this delightful hat pattern.

I do believe I have some lovely blue in worsted weight that will be perfect!

Hermaness Worsted is the name
It's never to early or late to make a hat....................

Sunday, June 28, 2015


A Pattern popped up on my Ravelry page the other day when I was searching for shawl patterns.

HAP--what is a HAP?  Sounded interesting and required more investigative work on my part--

Shetland Trader blog was a good source of information about this Shetland knitted shawl.  The blog is authored by Gudrun Johnston and she has many HAP patterns to be found on Ravelry--just type in HAP and you'll find more than you bargained for!

 Years ago I took a lace spinning and knitting workshop with Margaret Stove-- guess I just wasn't in the right place to get the knack of all that lace stuff.  But, now, as I knit lace, It's all making sense to me.

I noticed that Gudrun uses cards to do her stripe sequences for her HAP knitting.
Ribbels wrapping technique

This is not much different than what weavers do to make their warps--so it seems to me that all crafts meet in the middle.  To the right is Karen I's wrappings for her next woven shawl.

Will you begin a HAP?  I think I will!
Below are several websites that you can browse for the history on HAPS--quite fascinating to me!

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Do You Inkle?

Do you have passion to inkle loom?
One of our WOW study group members, Karen, loves to inkle!
She made this lovely tote with inkle bands.

and this spool of tape for the gift basket for our state conference.
The other day as I was roaming the web--sure do find many interesting features out there in that wide world of information--I came across a blog about inkle weaving.
There is even a cool video and
some great ideas on how to use an inkle band.
check it out
I never thought there were so many uses of this small woven band.  Now, I wish I'd kept my inkle loom--oh, wait--it's most likely in the attic.............................

Friday, June 26, 2015

"Circle of The Sun" Crochet Mystery

I don't crochet often--but, darn, this looks like fun!  Plus, there is an opportunity to learn new techniques in the crochet world.
Lila Bjorn is creating this interesting mystery (and you know I love mysteries!) in overlay and granny squares crochet--
I'm familiar with granny squares but Overlay?? Not a clue!
But, take a look at her blog every Friday--
there will be videos, tutorials, even a Pinterest Board.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Blankets of Love:

This display at the Denver Art Museum is certainly eye catching!
What a super idea by Marie Watt who created Blanket Story: Confluence, Heirloom, and Tenth Mountain Division.  She was a resident in DAM's resident artist program for Native American Arts.
This collection of blankets is sponsored by family, friends, community.  Marie uses the blankets in her large scale exhibits.   

Looking up close you can see a variety of blankets, fabrics, textures, colors and

each has a tag to give the story of this blanket to give one a sense of the owners life.
A must see when you visit the DAM!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Revisit with Blue

I never gave colors a thought until I became interested in fiber arts, weaving, spinning and dyeing--especially natural dyeing.  I also took some painting classes--and then the history of colors came into my scope of being. 
 Woad was the first plant to be used for the color blue but the
  process of making blue with woad was particularly long and noxious- it involved soaking the leaves of the plant for from three days to a week in human urine, ideally urine from men who had been drinking a great deal of alcohol, which was said to improve the colour. The fabric was then soaked for a day in the urine, then put out in the sun, where as it dried it turned blue.
Then along came indigo and the whole world of BLUE has been changed!
In 1498, Vasco de Gama opened a trade route to import indigo from India to Europe. In India, the indigo leaves were soaked in water, fermented, pressed into cakes, dried into bricks, then carried to the ports London, Marseille, Genoa and Bruges. Later, in the 17th century, the British, Spanish and Dutch established indigo plantations in Jamaica, South Carolina, the Virgin Islands and South America, and began to import American indigo to Europe.
So, how did painters use this interesting natural color for their paintings?

A woad mill in Thuringia, in Germany, in 1752. The woad industry was already on its way to extinction, unable to compete with indigo blue.
While blue was an expensive and prestigious colour in European painting, it became a common colour for clothing during the Renaissance. The rise of the colour blue in fashion in the 12th and 13th centuries led to the creation of a thriving blue dye industry in several European cities, notably Amiens, Toulouse and Erfurt. They made a dye called pastel from woad, a plant common in Europe, which had been used to make blue dye by the Celts and German tribes. Blue became a colour worn by domestics and artisans, not just nobles. In 1570, when Pope Pius V listed the colours that could be used for ecclesiastical dress and for altar decoration, he excluded blue, because he considered it too common.[34]

The pastel industry was threatened in the 15th century by the arrival from India of new blue dye, indigo, made from a shrub widely grown in Asia. Indigo blue had the same chemical composition as woad, but it was more concentrated and produced a richer and more stable blue. In 1498, Vasco de Gama opened a trade route to import indigo from India to Europe. In India, the indigo leaves were soaked in water, fermented, pressed into cakes, dried into bricks, then carried to the ports London, Marseille, Genoa and Bruges. Later, in the 17th century, the British, Spanish and Dutch established indigo plantations in Jamaica, South Carolina, the Virgin Islands and South America, and began to import American indigo to Europe.
The countries with large and prosperous pastel industries tried to block the use of indigo. The German government outlawed the use of indigo in 1577,

Michelangelo couldn’t afford ultramarine. His painting The Entombment, the story goes, was left unfinished as the result of his failure to procure the prized pigment

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Back With The BH Gals!

Yeah, I'm back with the BH (Bonnie Hunter) Gals Gathering!  and it feels so good!  The group meets every two weeks at Wooden Spools, Denver, CO.  In the area, check out this unique shop--they buy your quality quilting fabric, thread, etc and resale it.  I find many bargains there.  They also have a complete selection of knitting and crocheting supplies, yarn and wonderful books.
The classroom is brightly lit and always, always a haven of eye candy--quilts that are featured in their workshops.  I really liked this one.

And another class upcoming on their schedule

The gals usually work on the same quilt pattern from Bonnie's books.  This time around they are working on Easy Sunday.

This is Judy's stash being worked up

one finished block--100 more to go!

Marsha is working with bright fabrics

Our fearless leader, Jessica, has some show and tell.
This would be a great baby quilt--hard to tell--but, the border fabric is
yellow tulips!

Here is another one of her creations--a gift for family

I'm working away on my quilt pieces--I chose to do Emery's Stars--a free BH pattern on her website.
I like doing my 1/2 square triangles with paper
I find the print outs at Quilting and Whatnot 

lots of cutting and then tearing of paper--which I do while I'm watching a movie or TV program
Stay tuned for the block placement


 X Y Z   The slang phrase XYZ, meaning “examine your zipper,”  has been used since at least the 1960's  These letters are used for const...