Saturday, March 21, 2015

Well, It Does Help To Read Instructions.......................................

Yes, it does help to read instructions--very Carefully!  Just when you 'think' you know what the next step will be----WHAM!!  NOT!
Yelp!  Got caught in that web of 'thinking I know"  When all I should have done was READ the directions!  There were to be two knit rows, but I began on the wrong side with the next set of clues--
and you can see I decided on the black as my second color, so the only thing to do was
Do I knit back to the start?  That would be three rows of over 300 stitches!


Do I just bite the bullet and pull out the stitches and then pick up?  What would you do?
My choice..........pull out the stitches--very carefully!  Then pick up and after couple of hours of picking up and getting back to the pattern
I'm on target!

It's a pull and tug situation to put on the beads, but I'm managing..........
I think I like this, as long as I don't make any more mistakes! 

Friday, March 20, 2015

Spring! Arrives!

And the Dogwoods Bloom!

There are two equinoxes every year – in March and September – when the Sun shines directly on the equator and the length of night and day are nearly equal, but not quite.
Celebrating new beginnings: The March equinox has long been celebrated as a time of rebirth in the Northern Hemisphere. Many cultures celebrate spring festivals and holidays around the March equinox, like Easter and Passover.

May your Spring be filled with sunshine, love and blooming of new life!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Weaving Misteps!

"All that truly matters in the end is that you loved" Life Lessons According to Regina

Even experienced weavers make a mistake every once and awhile.

Sometimes, we find that mistake right away and other times

we can't find the mistake until we have finished the weaving.

These are lovely blue/white towels with yellow border

Can you see the mistake?

Yelp--there it is!  a definite weft mistake--somehow, a wrong treadle was lifted or we could say not lifted!

Oh joy, how to repair?  Get out that magnifying glass, needle and thread and begin to weave, weave, weave by hand!  Yes, sometimes, experienced weavers make mistakes and we will admit it!!  

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

1083 Stitches Minus 720 Equals 363!

"Growing old beats the alternative.....dying young" Life Lessons According to Regina

Is my math right?!  I cast on 1083 stitches last month and decreased according to the pattern down to 363--so I reduced by 720 stitches! 
And of course, I'm running out of yarn!  Now to rummage through my stash--what would work with these colors?  Hmmmm, let's see............................


I'm leaning towards the black or the top yarn that is on the shade of turquoise.
One small problem--the next clue contains beads and I'm not sure size 6 beads would fit over the top yarn, but would over the black--
here comes the next clue and we only decrease three stitches.
Stay tuned! 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Happy St. Patrick's Day

"Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift"  Life Lessons According to Regina
Saint Patrick is the patron saint and national apostle of Ireland. St Patrick is credited with bringing Christianity to Ireland. Most of what is known about him comes from his two works; the Confessio, a spiritual autobiography, and his Epistola, a denunciation of British mistreatment of Irish Christians.

So Raise a glass of Green Beer:
A toast for St Patrick’s Day, “May the roof above us never fall in, and may we friends beneath it never fall out.”

Monday, March 16, 2015

Blank, Blank = Socks!

Remember this secret sock blank from Gale's Art that I wrote about early this year?

I started with the correct end to unravel for my secret socks

Knitting is such fun!  Unraveling from the blank is easy and you can never pull off too much--well, I guess you could. 

Finished!  And ready to begin the second sock!  I was worried that I would use too much of the blank, but now I think I'll have leftover yarn..............

Sunday, March 15, 2015


"Yield" Life Lessons According to Regina
Before we become judges, let's talk a little about what is a Blue Ribbon.  Why do we give Blue Ribbons as first place?
Here is the definition from Wikipedia:  The blue ribbon is a symbol of high quality. The association comes from The Blue Ribald, a prize awarded for the fastest crossing of the Atlantic Ocean by passenger liners and, prior to that from Cordon Bleu, which referred to the blue ribbon worn by a particular order of knights. The spelling blue riband is still encountered in most English-speaking countries, but in the United States, the term was altered to blue ribbon, and ribbons of this color came to be awarded for first place in certain athletic or other competitive endeavours (such as county and state fairs). It also may be applied to distinguished members of a group or commission who have convened to address a situation or problem; the usual usage is "blue ribbon commission" or "blue-ribbon panel".
Now, that we know about Blue Ribbons, what makes these quilts ribbon winners?  How would you score them--1 thru 10 in creativity, design, stitching, finishing, backing, etc.?

And now a look at the ribbons creativity.


This is the Best of Show and also Judges' Choice Award winner at the latest West Houston Guild Show

Lovely applique

This was a good exhibit!  and a show of winners all around!

Good Day To……..

 It's always a good day to take some time for yourself.  it's also a good day to do nothing when the day is rainy and no outside act...