Sunday, August 24, 2014


The human brain, one of the most complex living structures in the universe, is the seat of memory

Memory.................... of the those little ones as they grew through the ages!
Memory.....................of past lives and things that we have accomplished or not accomplished! times with family and friends
Memory.......................sad happenings numbers, birthdates, special occasions
Memory.......................can be selective stored on my computer
Memory.......................can be improved
Memory.......................sometimes is short termed
Memory.......................can be long term the sum total of what we remember our experiences our skills, habits, impressions

Saturday, August 23, 2014


Let's think about adornment.............Adornment is the only magazine published in the United States dedicated to the discussion of ancient, antique, and period jewelry, costume jewelry and contemporary studio jewelry. It also reports on objects of precious materials and historic costume--oh, how I LOVE browsing through this magazine.  The photos are colorful and the ideas bountiful! 
How do you Adorn yourself?
Let's pick out a color palette and go from there................ 

The stores carry quite a collection of ways to "adorn" yourself but I'm partial to being just

looking at the way the world adorns itself!

Friday, August 22, 2014


This morning I took a walk.....................................
with my shadow!

Just me, myself and my shadow.................................took a walk!

Thursday, August 21, 2014


There are treasures of many kinds--
National Historic Treasure--places that have been renovated to their former glory

Treasures that can not really be replaced

Treasures such as the freedom of our country

There are fragile treasures

and there are treasures of time spent with friends and family on an evening of delight.
where do your treasures lay? 

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Peaceful--August Break #20

Nothing as Peaceful as early morning walk through an open space.  The birds are taking wing, the prairie dogs are 'barking' to remind you to stay away from their mounded homes-- 

You pause to admire the wildflowers as bees buzz around

The sun is up just enough for the sunflowers to raise their petals to the warmth

Yes, nothing as peaceful as a day beginning as this!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Black & White--Quilt Blocks--August Break #19

We see in color because all our cameras photograph in color now.  But, I remember those days when it was only Black & White!  I have one photo of me as little girl, taken in Black & White, but the photographer colored in the picture!  I look so unnatural! 
Recently, one of my expatchers friends was doing a Block of the Month quilt and it featured only black and white fabrics--how cool is that?!  Below are her blocks.  I haven't seen the completed quilt yet, but I can only imagine it is smashing!

Well, I thought I'd better throw in some knitting here too--my handspun knit scarf--still working on it!

                                                                               Thanks for taking this walk on the Black & White side!

Monday, August 18, 2014

JUMP! August Break #18

When I decided to go on this journey, there was no hesitation about writing each and every August day.  There have been some topics that boggled my thought process.  These writing opportunities gave my creative juices a chance to flow--not always does a light bulb go off--but, that's good--I must dig deep into the recesses of my brain to pull out a fluid notion.

silhouette of a women jumping  So now I can JUMP for JOY!  For when I begin to think about the word jump--the radio burst forth with the song "Jump"!  And then we were off--there is 21 & 22 Jump Street the movies; girl jumping ropewe are playing with our jump rope (did you ever do the double Dutch?  Not me!)

horse rider  The very next hour, I saw a photo of a friend on her jumping horse--how odd, this popped up at this time! 

football player jumping for the catch  And in the playground near our house, the boys were jumping for the football during practice. 
If only I could get a good photo of Jumping! 
There is a fun zone just for jumping!  There is a JUMP Dance Competition!  There is even a mobile service that is entitled JUMP (Just Upgrade My Phone)!

If only the body wasn't so aging, I would be doing some jumping jacks!  Let's all think of jumping!  and maybe, it will burn off some calories.............................


  The origin of Mother’s Day has been associated with Miss Anna M. Jarvis. Jarvis (b. May 1, 1864 – Nov. 24, 1948), an especially devoted da...