Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Good-bye! Hello!

It's time to say good-bye to 2009.........

And hello to twenty ten!

We will close out the year with one final handspun and hand knit item--Basket Whip Cowl as modeled here by 'Greenhead'.

Finished, complete! Now, we move onto other projects that are on the list. And maybe add new projects to those wips........

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas!!

The stockings are hung by the chimney with care in hopes that Saint Nick soon will be there.

Monday, December 21, 2009


Do you feel like these end threads of a sari? All jumbled up? Running around with no purpose to your madness?

'Welcome' to some stress relieve! Stop! Take a deep breath! and think about the reason for the season! Now, doesn't that feel better?

Saturday, December 19, 2009

'Tis the Season

Whether it's serendipity at the shopping center when you come across a junior high band playing holiday music dressed in their finest;
Or a planned evening to hear Middle Ages Christmas songs performed by Kemper Crabb , there is something special about the Christmas season. Look for Kemper and his band in your PBS line-up. His special "Downe in Yon Forrest" features many interesting songs played with traditional instruments of the period. Or maybe, you find a live nativity scene on your local church grounds--complete with donkeys, sheep, cows and goats grazing peacefully as shepherds and angels attend the birth of the Christ child....... The season is definitely magic and alive with spirit of joy, peace and love.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Elves, Elves and More Elves

Beginning in 2002, elves have been busy at Reliant Center during the month of December. There is hustle and bustle as volunteers from all communities gather to assemble bikes that will be distributed to children who live in poverty. This is under the leadership of Elves & More

"A few years ago, we made an important discovery. We learned that by giving bicycles to impoverished children we could dramatically change their lives by helping them stay in school and out of trouble while improving their health"

Here are the guidelines that each child must follow:

First, working with school administrators, bicycles are used as incentives for children to achieve.
•To earn a bicycle, a child must first enter into a contract with his or her teacher or school.
•That contract requires each child to meet at least one of five criteria: 1) attend school regularly, and be on time, 2) behave well in class, 3) attend tutoring classes or Saturday school where necessary, 4) improve their grades in one or more areas or 5) whatever else the teacher believes a particular child needs to improve upon.
•The specific target area and level of performance required by each child is established by the teacher or school counselor, agreed upon by the student, and approved by the child's parent(s).
•Once the teacher determines that a child has met the terms of the Contract, the child is rewarded with a new bicycle.

This year is no exception for our family members as they journey to the vast Reliant Center, Houston, to work with tools and hands, to build bikes. In 2008 Elves & More had delivered 90,000 bikes! In 2009 Elves and More will give away their 100,000th bike. All this through the effort of volunteers!

Stitchin' and Listenin' !!!

 We're just a stitchin' and a listenin' while we work! I'm on a roll...........all is going well........... Then...............