Sunday, April 30, 2023


 I did It!  I made it to Z!  Not sure all my previous blogs are worth anything but to me, it's challenge, I completed. 

Challenges are goals we set to finish; at least, I try to achieve!  The month has flown by!  Our journey achieved many deadlines, accomplishments, sweeping goals and positive outcomes! 

We celebrated four birthdays; a successful walk with family and friends for CDH babies, the homecoming of our great grandson from NICU, where he resided since his birth on February 17.  Joyous occasions to celebrate!! 

We gazed at the dark sky as we sipped delicious wine; we even finished our taxes on time!!; the most blessed event was our family gathering to welcome another Easter Day. 

Indeed it was challenging April with many opportunities. 

Friday, April 28, 2023


  • X marks the spot!
  • In Greek, the language of the New Testament, the word Christos (Christ) begins with the letter "X," or chi.
  • Thought to be the most powerful letter in the alphabet, the letter X is used in many areas of life, from astronomy and science to algebra and spirituality. 
  • The skull and crossbones symbol has long been associated with danger and death, 
  • is believed that the X can ward off evil spirits 
  • a value that is not yet known
  • included at the end of a message and means kisses.
  • The twenty-fourth letter of the English alphabet: from a western form of the Greek alphabet.
  • What a letter to mean so many different things!

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Walk To Save A Life

Recently, we organzied a walk through the neighborhood for a dear cause--Our great grandson,
JD, Jerry Duncan, was born with CDH  (Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia)  He is doing well after his surgery and finally came home from NICU after two months and two days.

Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) occurs in an unborn baby when there is a hole in, or incomplete formation of, the diaphragm (the muscle under the lungs that is responsible for breathing). This hole allows the abdominal organs (eg. spleen, liver, intestines, stomach) to move into the chest, and prevents the lungs from developing normally because of the lack of space to grow. The defect can occur on the left side, right side, or both sides. The defect is usually discovered on ultrasound before the baby is born.

We had a nice turnout for this event and will likely do this every year to support all CDH babies.
Here is photo of our little CDH boy--JD!


Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Voodoo Queen

There is a great tale about the Voodoo Queen of New Orleans, Marie Laveau.
Visiting New Orleans, it is a must you go by Marie's tomb, located in Louis cemetery #1
A little aside here--my brother visited us in NO, driving a brand new car, which he parked right outside the gates of cemetery.  As we walked through the tombstones and came to Marie's tomb.
The belief is that one must break off a piece of brick from another tomb, spin around three times, scrape three X's onto the tomb, and do some sort of knocking on the tomb. Then an offering should be left at the tomb and your wish will be granted. X's that are circled are said to mean that the wish had come true

My brother said " I don't believe in this" and he walked on; coming back to his new car--it wouldn't start!   He tried and tried--it still wouldn't start.  We said to him, "better go back to Marie's tomb, leave
 an offering, knock three times and place your X's, spin around 3 times
He did that!  Went back to the car and it started!  
Read about Marie, she is an interesting person.


Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Unusual People

Do you read books about unusual people and unusual topics? 

Of course, there have been movies made about the following people; somehow, reading the books are more enjoyable.  If you have ever visited Denver, you can tour the home of Margaret Brown--very interesting story tour.

 Margaret Brown, posthumously known as "The Unsinkable Molly Brown", was an American socialite and philanthropist. She was a passenger on the RMS Titanic which sank in 1912 and she unsuccessfully urged the crew in Lifeboat No. 6 to return to the debris field to look for survivors.  Molly Brown", was an American socialite and philanthropist. She was a passenger on the RMS Titanic which sank in 1912 and she unsuccessfully urged the crew in Lifeboat No. 6 to return to the debris field to look for survivors. 

This book is so earth shaking!  It's hard to believe this fellow met so many obstacles during WWII.  There is also a movie.  Unbroken! 
Louis Silvie Zamperini was an American World War II veteran, an Olympic distance runner and a Christian Evangelist. He took up running in high school and qualified for the United States in the 5,000 m race for the 1936 Berlin Olympics, finishing 8th while setting a new lap record in the process. 
Born: January 26, 1917, Olean, NY
Died: July 2, 2014, Los Angeles, CA
Spouse: Cynthia Applewhite (m. 1946–2001)

The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead--  There are many books about this event

Isaac Tatem Hopper was an American abolitionist who was active in Philadelphia in the anti-slavery movement and protecting fugitive slaves and free blacks from slave kidnappers. 

Monday, April 24, 2023


 Remember the game Trivial Pursuit?  Our family enjoyed teasing each other with questions from that game.  Now. It seems to be making a comeback, especially in pubs and bars.  Get a group together, give yourself a cool name,  make special matching t-shirts, be ready to dazzle the other groups.  Prizes are small things or just the knowledge you knew all this trivial stuff! 

Trivia' comes from the Latin 'trivialis,' meaning "found everywhere, commonplace." One meaning of 'trivia' is "unimportant matters." But as valuable as scholarly knowledge can be, trivia sometimes gets a bad rap.

Trivia facts can be recalled faster than important things by my mind.  The old brain will come up with theme song from some 1970’s TV show But can not remember the neighbor’s kids’ names—which you hear shouted often!  Trivia is useless facts—for example:

 Fun Facts and Trivia

  • It is impossible for most people to lick their own elbow. 
  • A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.
  • A shrimp's heart is in its head.
  • It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky.
Isn’t that fascinating trivia?!  When does that info come up in a conversation—like, never!  If you want to gain control of conversation, pop out one of those useless facts! 

By answering questions and learning, you're improving your cognitive skills. Retaining information about topics you're interested in is like an exercise for your mind, allowing you to expand your intelligence and improve mental capabilities.
Soooo, there is something good that comes out of knowing trivia!

Squirrel Here--Squirrel there!

 Just blew up my thinking!  Let me get back to what I was thinking—I was knitting away on Elizabeth Ravenwood section of February—Estonian L...