Sunday, February 22, 2015


." Over prepare, then go with the flow"  Life Lessons According to Regina

Have you been following this 'new' trend in dyeing cloth?  Of course, there is nothing new when it comes to dyeing.  Eco-dyeing has been around for hundreds of years.  Take a look at these pins--Linda Mathews on Eco Dyeing
Rosemary had a good time doing her eco dyeing samples on wool felt.  She used a variety of plant materials

She is thinking of a jacket made from her squares.  Try your hand at this easy method of dyeing with natural materials.  Check out this Eco Dyeing Workshop

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Downton Abbey QAL

"It's never too late to have a happy childhood.....But the second one is up to you and no one else"  Life Lessons According to Regina

Here is block 2 of Downton Abbey QAL--there are three or four choices but I choose medley so I have a sample of each block for the quilt. 
Here are two more blocks.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Points Do Matter................

"Get rid of anything that isn't useful , beautiful or joyful" Life Lessons According to Regina
Our Expatchers group is working on a French Braid Quilt as a gift.  It is a joint project with the members and sewing has been intense!  One section of the braid has been completed so it is time to trim off the points.
Brenda is lining up the ruler 1/4" away from the section--

She makes sure the ruler is lined up all long the length before she cuts

She has trimmed up the section

Now, to make sure it is 1/4" away from the main section--good trimming Brenda.  Points do matter.
The big reveal will come later.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

1083 Stitches Later.......................

"Take a deep breath....It calms the mind"  Life Lessons According to Regina

Okay, I took the plunge--at first, I thought I would wait, but then again why wait??  Then again, I'm behind a month.. The thought just kept nagging at me--'do it!  Cast on 1083 stitches.  You can do it!'

Yes, I can!  It took several evenings but here is 1083 stitches--at least, I hope there are 1083.  I put a marker at 100 stitches to keep track and not count 1083!
This is well aged yarn that I got at Brown Sheep Factory Store.  I have three skeins--will only hope it will be enough to finish this mystery project.  If not, we'll come up with something else.  Not to worry now, we are going with 1083 stitches and February's knitting clue from Ravelry group--KOM Rivers Knitting Guild is associated with TKGA located in Parkersburg, West Virginia.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Orphan Train

"Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry.... God never blinks" Life Lessons According to Regina

I recently completed this interesting book about the Orphan Train.  This was a part of American history from 1853-1930; more than 120,000 children between the ages of 6 and 18 were removed from slums and city streets--mostly, from New York City and taken to the Midwest. 
Very controversial program to say the least. 
I have the copy of the book if you want to read it--just let me know.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Happy Mardi Gras!

"Don't audit life....Show up and make the most of it now"  Life Lessons According to Regina
This is the BIG day of celebrations!  It is Fat Tuesday!  It comes once a year, but we party like no tomorrow!  All ends at midnight!  
Happy Mardi Gras!  
How will you celebrate before Lent?

Monday, February 16, 2015

Slow Progress

." If a relationship has to be a secret, then you shouldn't be in it"  Life Lessons According to Regina

It has definitely been a slow month for any progress on my projects!  There are so many things on the 'TO DO" list and I'm only able to check off one, which is the first block of Downton Abbey QAL by Love Bug Studios

It's a large block--20.5"x20.5"  I like working with this size--

Over Commitment??

Oh, probably just threw myself down a deep rabbit one!   Signed up for two year long knitting challenges.  I love both of these designers!  ...