Still cleaning out closets; finding all sorts of interesting things I had forgotten about. Years ago, I had spun cotton and wove on indigo dyed warp yardage to make a costume to wear while I did demos at the local plantation. The plantation grew both cotton and indigo--so it was perfect to show case their crops. Fast forward---- there is yardage in the closet bin. Why not do something with it?
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Guess it’s my age—I’ve been sorting through boxes of photos, recipes, patterns, fabrics, quilts, etc. when I had a pile of photos from a series of group meeting, I ask my friend “what should I do with all these pictures collected over 35 years?” She said, I’ve been doing the same thing—I know my kids would not know any of these people in the photos. It was sad thrumbing through, so many of these friends have gone to the heaven of happiness.
Memories always flood back when you view them. Oh, remember when that happen! But, I have no one to reminisce with over those times. I pulled out several photos to put them aside--maybe, someone would like these, I said to myself. The rest went into File13--then I immediately regret what I did---so many recorded memories gone, just like that!!
Saturday, October 19, 2024
Things That Make Me Happy!
Fall weather is approaching! I mean real cooooool temps! That makes me happy!
Saturday, October 12, 2024
Challenges?!! Do you like a challenge? A reason to set a goal?
Sunday, October 6, 2024
And just like that—we have October! Really!! Time is fleeting so quickly—so we’re getting older, busy most of the time—we can’t stop time— Of course, to some time moves too slowly. Not for me though—
Looking at all these UFOs, my ADD kicks in. Not sure where to begin next. Work a little here, squirrel moment. Look over there— what is that flashy shiny thing that needs some attention? Let’s make another cup of coffee and decide where to put my energy.
Sloooow Stitching!
What is slow stitching? Join in—visit Jen Daly with her #100daysofslow stitching on Instagram Or join with Jenny to stitch her monthly pat...
As someone who has participated in Mardi Gras parades, let me tell you this is ONE PARTY! There is nothing like being there in perso...
So you have a few small blocks just sitting idly by and you don't know what to do with them. Then try this method, Potholder Quilts or ...
Thank goodness, on our Costco trip today, I didn't find one single book that I wanted to read,........ BUT, that doesn't mean I...