Wednesday, August 28, 2024

One Way To Do It!

There are so many blocks!  What to do?  Since our local quilt shop doesn’t allow customers to use their long arm machines any more,  that leaves me to find other means to assemble into a full quilt.  Some of the blocks will be located into table runner or maybe placemats—those I can do with sewing machine.  Although, I did quilted one top with my sewing machine—I’m researching other methods of quilting—below is my first attempt—using different you tube videos

One video suggests cutting 1” strips (length of block)—okay, I tried that—that strip will connect two blocks in the back.  For the front, cut stripe 1.5” ( for me that didn’t work!) I cut 2”, which is pressed in half, placed on front with 1”strip.  The blocks have quilted individually. 

In this photo, folded piece on top with 1” is placed on back, sewn with 1/4” seam

When you open up the blocks, they will butt together

The folded front strip can be sewn down by hand or machine. 

Continued with all the blocks


Two rows connected, now to add borders between rows

Okay!  Finished—not sure I like this method but one top together.  Thinking I’ll just add binding.  If border is wanted, the same method done on rows would need to be done on borders

Second one finished—no border just binding

Back—I used hand dyed fabric for each block. 
It’s okay—moving on to try another method!

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