Saturday, July 6, 2024

And so July begins…

 We are traveling to Paris via Italy—what a fun adventure this will be—because, it is virtual!  Yes, Tour de France began June 29, only this year it began in Florence, Italy due to Olympics being held in Paris.  As we have physically been in Paris several times and enjoyed a month long tour in Italy, this is an exciting journey!  I did not start my spinning on June 29 as planned.  The wheel turned first thing on Monday July 1 with the silk/cotton blend. 

The past few weeks have been a whirlwind!  A new great grand baby was added to the family June 18–he is named Stetson James and eagerly embraced by big brother.  Our CDH great grandson endured his 11th surgery and hospital overnight stay coming through with flying colors.  Travel was necessary between hospitals—we certainly enjoyed those rounds this time! 

Back to subject—July 4th was filled with parades, celebrations, fireworks and friends.  Nothing like family and friends!!  

Finished-finally-pair of socks!! 

There is enough yarn left to knit fingerless gloves.  Knitting next is Knitmas in July!
The yarn is sourced, balled and cast on. 

Of course, life deals some rough times, that’s where our faith takes over and we soldier on.  

I managed to sit at the loom and weave off the cotton warp with hand spun cotton weft
Once the warp was cut from the loom and hemmed,  towels were washed, dried and folded.  I like to hem before washing.  Too many bad experiences with yardage in washer. 

So happy to have that finished!  A new colorful warp has taken to the warping board—shouldn’t leave the loom naked too long!

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There They Go!

 Throughout the year, I’ve been knitting hats amongst the regular clues of knit alongs.  It has been a pleasure to knit these various patter...