Friday, March 29, 2024
Noah’s ARC
Wednesday, March 27, 2024
Road trip continues
Crossing over into Tennessee, we are now on interstate highways: lots of 18 wheelers, less green nice scenery, some dogwood trees and redbud trees. Rather boring drive now! Perfect time to knit without distraction. I’m working on socks from bits of stash.
Monday, March 25, 2024
Road trip!!
If you are the front seat navigator/educator, it is your duty and responsibility to keep other passengers abreast of any road side attractions, historical markers, wildflower sightings, places of interest and of course, it is their duty to find good places to rest stop and eat.
Back seat riders can heckle, taunt, bring attention to any wrong turns; and nap! After two or three hours, we’ll swap seat assignments.
Our trip takes us northeast—across Texas! Hopefully, we’ll make our first night lodging in good time—it’s a must to have some wine and snacks before dinner time.
First stop—load up on breakfast tacos from our favorite taco truck—Tex Taco. Just a little off the beaten path but oh so good!
We’re on back roads through Texas. So many quaint, interesting small towns along the way. One stop for lunch was Jefferson, TX. We chose Caddo Lake Eatery—there was a pot of pinto beans on the back table, sign—“one bowl per person” yum! Yum! Menu item was cornbread salad! One order was cornbread square for our beans! We walked short three blocks to double deck red bus for cupcake creations.
Possum pie! Oh my! Possum? Really? Not really—possum pie is a rich chocolatey dessert—
For breakfast—chocolate gravy over biscuits! No way! But, I’ll try it once.
Onward we go—
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
Preparing for Easter!! First—we must plan our menu
Second—issue an invite. Third—learn how to boil an egg. Sounds simple, doesn’t it; boiled eggs are the star of Easter and they need to be center stage.
Got to have boiled eggs for dyeing, right? Yes, boiled eggs get a pretty shiny coat of color before we mash them for egg salad, deviled eggs, potato salad, nicoise salad, pickled eggs, Cobb salad, etc etc etc
Learn to boil an egg!! What method to use? Instapot? Boiling water on stovetop? Air fryer? Oven? Coffee maker? Add baking soda or salt to water? Poke small hole in egg shell?
Once cooked—will the egg peel easily? Too many means to an end for peeling! Favorite way? Mine way is to put in glass jar, seal with lid and shake, shake with hopes the egg shell will loosen completely! Good luck with your method.
So many questions—just to have a boiled egg for Easter!!
Ok—what else is on the menu? Hot Cross Buns—definitely! All the essential Spring items—asparagus, green peas with new potatoes, ham, lamb chops, baby carrots, green beans…….
Menu solved—now, what to put in the youngsters’ baskets?
A visit to Joann’s fabric store helped with that situation! Most every item was discounted—bonus!
Sunday, March 17, 2024
Just Can’t!!
It’s been almost two weeks since time change and I just can’t get my body turned around to adjust. I know it’s only an hour BUT it’s that hour ‘jump’ ahead that gets me!! I had the routine down pat, after that fall back change took place last fall. I admit, it took For-ever, though!!! Of course, when I get use to losing that hour, it will be time to Fall Back! Really?
I just can’t get over—March is half way gone! That’s what happens when you get older—time goes faster and faster, even when you’re sitting still.
There are decisions being made about food buying and watching our budget. Just can’t get over the price of some things. Now, that warmer weather is arriving, we’ll eat more salads; which brings the mind to making our own salad dressings.
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Let’s Give it a Try!
I most often give some things a try. The headline stated—“most delicious dessert—so simple and delicious”. I didn’t doubt the word delicious when I looked at the you tube video BUT then came ingredients list and step by step—not simple by any means. Yes! Delicious it would be with dark and milk chocolate, whip cream, cream cheese, peanuts, and the list went on and on!
Wednesday, March 6, 2024
That Was The Week It Was!
Whew! That was an interesting week! Hubby was in another location while I held down the home front. Our grandson and his bride took a vacation and I was in charge of their Great Dane for 5 days! She doesn’t like to be crated at night but will curl into a ball and sleep on the sofa. Okay, I can deal with that. She is crated if I leave the house to do errands. Our great grandson stayed with his Oma and they stopped by often to visit. Couple days we went out to lunch.
I was able to keep up with the daily Lent meditation by knitting each section of the scarf first thing I do; that is a blessing. In the evening I’m knitting Glittering sock pattern by Stephen West.
Been weaving too! Yep—just throwing the shuttle with my hand spun cotton thru that shed, until I look to see misses! Unweave! Back to no skipped warp—investigate to find reason—guess I could leave it as a design element—NOT!
Sunday, March 3, 2024
Shop Hop! Hop! Hop!
Sloooow Stitching!
What is slow stitching? Join in—visit Jen Daly with her #100daysofslow stitching on Instagram Or join with Jenny to stitch her monthly pat...
As someone who has participated in Mardi Gras parades, let me tell you this is ONE PARTY! There is nothing like being there in perso...
So you have a few small blocks just sitting idly by and you don't know what to do with them. Then try this method, Potholder Quilts or ...
Thank goodness, on our Costco trip today, I didn't find one single book that I wanted to read,........ BUT, that doesn't mean I...