Saturday, October 13, 2018

Pumpkins! Pumpkins! Pumpkins!

A well aged pattern for sure--it has been staring at me for
months and months--I look at it and think--I'll get around to it
one of these days!  That day finally arrived!
I found all the oranges I could in my stash and begin
to cut--this pattern asks for 8 fat quarters,which I
didn't have--next plan, cut from yardage--that works

The corners are added and all 25 blocks have been

Stems and leaves added!  Well, that wasn't so hard after all!

All finished!!  One tickled off my to do list!

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Thinking of Turkeys

I know Thanksgiving is over 6 weeks ahead; nothing keeps our brain from thinking about the festivities of the week--all the turkey and trimmings we can consume; gathering with family and friends--nothing like it!

I've been following this group--saving the patterns--SOME
day I'll get around to it--you know that saying!

Here was their pattern recently for a turkey!! Such
a darn cute turkey--postage stamp size--12.5"x12.5"!
Awesome!  YOu can find the pattern here

And now The Quilting Company will be hosting another
QAL with Thanksgiving theme for your table--begins
October 4--hope to see you there!

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Back to It.............................

While I was waiting for next October's clue to be released
for two of my year long knitting projects,
I picked up my Japanese scarf again--

Such an easy knitting pattern

I'm working with my handspun cotton

and it feels so good in my hands--alas, I must
put it down again to catch up on my other knitting

I dd make a few rows of progress though

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Wooly Block Adventure

Lisa Bongean  has her Wooly Block Adventure up
and running-so catch it fast!

Here was the first block--not sure you can still get it free--
but check her blog to find other interesting and exciting
wool works.
Look for the Facebook group too!

Friday, October 5, 2018

Autumn Jubilee Time

From My Carolina Home is hosting An Autumn Jubilee with
Quilt Along, a Sew Along, a Stitch Along, all with free patterns and posts on gardening, cooking, tablescapes, cardmaking and more!! 

first project for Autumn Jubilee begins with a stitch along using wool felt--
She gives an detailed account of how to felt your wool; along
with a pattern to satisfy your wool stitching itch.

large pumpkin designed to be stitched onto a 9-inch square.  Add embellishment to it and add some words in two weeks.  Then we’ll mount it on a 12-inch wool base, and do the final finishing.
This just the first of many projects throughout the Autumn Jubilee!

Wednesday, October 3, 2018


Another Mystery?  WOW!  How I love mysteries--all kind of
mysteries!  This one is Miranda Jollie Designs .  A fun time to
begin work on a fingerless glove--love my FLGs!

How about a mystery that covers your feet as well
as your hands?  Here is a perfect month long knitting
challenge from Anita Grahn--this one is
Celebrate Life!  I like that title!

You can find both of these mysteries on
Ravelry--the sock mystery is in several languages!

How about a mystery to read?  This is an interesting
story that takes place in Thailand--information about
foods and daily life but a couple of mysteries to
go along.  I so enjoyed this one, I will find the second
one in the series.

Monday, October 1, 2018

How About some Flurries??

Oh My Goodness!  While searching for something else, I
came upon this...
Fort Worth Studio was not only hosting a Halloween mystery
quilt but this is the next one upcoming on their agenda!
The patterns are free--here is their kit for that special
Christmas quilt!
Oh boy, getting out into the world of quilting can get you!

Good Day To……..

 It's always a good day to take some time for yourself.  it's also a good day to do nothing when the day is rainy and no outside act...