Saturday, February 20, 2016

Do You Love Color?!!

Are you obsessed with color as much as I am?!
This article popped up and I laughed.............
oh my gosh,
this is so ME!

This is so true--
and these photos on this website are
so --well--colorful!

I am so excited to get new colored pencils, crayons or pens.
As I said in a previous post, we are remodeling the house--
that is so much fun (!) and making decisions
about paint color--oh MY Gosh!

How do I decide?  I've gathered so many paint chips and paint books--
it's exciting to see all these colors
maybe, I think I'm totally obsessed with color!!

Friday, February 19, 2016


It's beginning to look like Spring!
And there will be
So, I was delighted to find this interesting QAL
sponsored by Lori Holt, with  Riley Blake Designs

I decided to order Lori's simple shapes for applique.  She has great tutorials
on her website for each block.  Let's get to planting those fabrics to 

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Creativity----But, I'm Busy!

  • Read:  Art Before Breakfast by Danny Gregory
  • Begin Working Art Projects via Daisy Yellow Art collection
  • Stop Procrastinating! 
  • Get away from distractions (aka do creative things when away from home).
  • Commit to a ‘project’
  • Do the smallest thing. 
  • Schedule some creative down time with friends. 
  • Make time for workshops or retreats.  
  • Thanks Jade Herriman for the motivation!
Okay, here I go--I'm leaping right into creativity!! 

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Cabin Crochet--Inland Waterways

About 20 years ago, as I was attending Houston International Quilt Festival, I spotted a note pinned to the lobby bulletin board.  It said, "Wanted:  Pen Pal"  The address was England.  I left the note
on the board for the whole weekend.  When I came back on the last day of the festival, the note was still pinned--so, I took it down to bring home.
Thus, began several years of letter writing with a stranger in a far off land.

What is a Pen Pal, you say?
in these days of instant gratification and instant messaging, the art of letter writing has gone by the way side.  But, 20 years ago, it was a good thing to do and I loved writing letters.
It only cost a few cents to mail a letter, but a world of friendship developed.
we exchanged information about our family and friends,
about our surrounding area, our daily activities became writing material.
We also exchanged small gifts about fiber techniques
and these two booklets were ones that Joan sent me. 

We both had a love of crochet and knitting, as well as quilting. 
I found these books fascinating!  What lovely ways to decorate your
boat--a single hook and some thread gave the windows a homey
look and feel.

Crochet lace was introduced to British women in mid-19th century.  The boat women took a copy of
netted and darned lace, filet, as one of their styles of decorating their boats.  The true Filet lace consists of hand knotted net; taking this work into Filet Crochet, which allowed any design, floral, pictorial, letters, etc, to be worked with a hook and thread.

Here is a photo of one of the canal boats--alas, Joan couldn't find any photos of the crochet work
that fancied the windows.  She did find the two booklets though.
Over the years, we slowly drifted apart, much like the boats on the canals.  
I re-read her letters and fancy she's enjoying another walk along the canal; 
or she's stitching another jumper for maybe a great grand baby.
I miss my pen pal--today, it would be so easy to chat with her
through the internet, but there is nothing like opening a hand written letter.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

A Day Well Spent

It was a well spent day!  with fellow ex-patchers; take some needles, fabrics,
a few quilts, some giggles, some belly laughs, a lot of hugs
and good conversation!
And you have just about the most perfect day there is!
Annette was picking up her freshly quilted top from Judy M

Soft steely grays in nine patch blocks
made for a wedding gift

So Annette--isn't it interesting how we lean to more colorways than others?

and a super backing--it also helps that Annette works at a quilt shop!

Judy M was working on these blocks

for this quilt top

a donation quilt for a friend-such soft muted colors

and wonderful quilting by Judy M

Always love seeing what Judy M has on her studio walls.

and displayed on her quilt racks

Linda has finished her 2015 Pat Sloan mystery quilt top--
she ad libbed for the borders.  She has that choice--after all 
it is her quilt. 

Annette was working on this shop sample--Darth Vader and
Star War fabrics

Sandy came in with a finished top--quilted and backed with flannel

All for her hubby--

Perfect baby gifts for our newest additions to the grandmother ranking

Sandy used some of her fancy machine stitching to give this bib some highlights!

and me, I was working on the binding of this orphan quilt.
Finished--what an accomplishment!
Friends, Fun, Stitching--what a way to spend the day!

Monday, February 15, 2016

I'm Zen~~~~~Tangling!

I'm ready!  I've been waiting for this day for some time--
I've had the book
and do some reading, but never took the time to jump right in!
Well, this is the day...................

Our weavers' study group had a class on Zentangle~~ing

We start with two steps--crescent moon (right) and hollibaugh tangle on the bottom

Next comes Tortuca on the top left and Knight's Bridge on bottom left.
I still have a space to fill BUT the class ended.

We put our tiles out for photos--everyone is different

Close-up--okay, I'm zen-ed out! Relaxed...................

Sunday, February 14, 2016

I Heart This Day!

Valentine's Day is celebrated on February 14. It is a festival of romantic love and many people give cards, letters, flowers or presents to their spouse or partner. They may also arrange a romantic meal in a restaurant or night in a hotel. Common symbols of Valentine's Day are hearts, red roses and Cupid.




Hope you have a good day!  And Receive what your



Leftovers!  What to do with leftovers?  Never know what to do with all these leftovers--hate to pitch them.  It's all good stuff and sho...