Every year around this time in December, I get out my litte
weather beaten Betsy Clark Recipe book and browse through
my old recipes
This book holds many memories of our 1976 Christmas--
December 16 our house burned to the ground and
soon after friends, family and neighbors rallied around
to create for us a Christmas like we would never forget
on so many levels!
Recipes from far and wide were collected and presented to
me in this recipe book and to this day, I use most of
them as fond thoughts of those who contributed.
And when I read the recipes, the names of the authors
are shared--many have departed this earth, others
moved to other places; I've lost contact with others
but each name is a person that I hold dear in my heart
There is even one from my brother's first wife--don't
know if I've ever used her recipe though--but, it's
in my book as memories of her--Some from my
mother-in-law, who was a great cook!
Some recipes come from interesting locations--
and recipes I thought I would never eat
have become standards in my menus
Here in this little book lies all that is needed to know
about the warmth and love that surrounds you in times
of need. I think on those who have lost their homes in
the Texas floods and California wildfires--just one
small recipe can make a world of difference when
presented in a collection from many.
Which recipe would you contribute to their book of love?