January Spin-in
and they have brought a wide variety of lovely yarns for
our spinners!
The theme for the year is "Cotton Candy" and this
vendor set her booth with these yummy looking
cotton candy cones! What a fun way to spin!
Oh my, which one to choose?!
And sock blanks! Love these!
More blended braids to decide about
Since many are knitters as well as spinners,
this vendor brought wonderful color coordinated scarf kits.
Silk! Silk! Silk!
We have you covered if you are a weaver!
Just try to choose what to spin this day!
And this is a 'sale' bucket!!
okay, I'm lost in these wonders!
Blends, wool, silk, exotic and yes cotton abound!
And if you are a weaver--the vendors have you covered!
Every year, the last full weekend in January, we sponsor
our January Spin-in. You must be registered, we do not
allow walk-ins or shoppers. You come for one day, two days,
or the full four days. It's fun, learning and sharing time.
No workshops or seminars--just spinners being spinners!