Sunday, January 26, 2025

Found my Mojo!!

 For a whole year, there were no new quilt blocks created!  Time was spent on quilt as you go research and building quilt tops. Now, almost caught up on tops, I’m anxious to make new blocks!  Must be someone who needs a quilt!!

We’re sewing again!  Just a few minor problems—I don’t remember where I left off!  There are several things lying around—I can’t believe I would leave things so disorganized!  But, I did!!  I just saw that reference book yesterday—did it sprout legs and walk off??  Most likely not!  

Let’s begin—one day, I cut the blocks, sorting through my stash; hoping to find pieces that will diminish the bin. 

Block #1
A Quilting Life. 18” square. Beginning a new year

Block #2
Optimism 2025 18” square

Block #3
“Optimism “
Block 1 Bloom and Grow

And why not do some hand quilting in this cold weather?!
This quilt has been hiding in closet for years!  The other day when I opened the door, looking for a book to read, I spied this bundle.  Oh yes!! A perfect project to work on.  Soon, it will be finished! 


Saturday, January 18, 2025


It’s not too late to work up Hearts!  For Valentine Day.  Below are some Free projects to create your own hearts! 

A Quilting Life offers this neat small hanging—it could be used as table runner or wall decoration—

This 60.5” x 60.5” top is a little more time consuming but look how lively.  I could also see other colors used as well.  This is a Moda Fabrics. You can find these on Instagram. 

Here is a “mystery” sew along—here is step one.  Follow along with Fig Tree and Company. 

January dish cloth pattern is designed by Kitchen Sink Designs. I’m using my handspun cotton yarn.@thekitchensinkshop
Pretty pink for February!


Sunday, January 12, 2025

Quilt As You Go

Ever since early 2024, when we lost our local quilt shop and the use of long arm machines, I’m researching ways to finish a quilt top.  I’ve tried on my sewing machine—that failed; taken classes—to no avail!  I’ve come across several sites that have excellent videos.  These sites do work, not always for me!   

Take a long at these different ways you can quilt as you go

I have tried each of these method—haven’t found a favorite!  But, my tops are made into quilted tops.  Came across another method recently.

So, 2.5” sashing is sewn between two blocks—on the back

Here is back with sashing

To cover up back sashing, cut the sashing for front 2X larger, fold in half, half into itself, line with batting and sew over back sashing—

I liked this way to bring blocks together!  I purchased her  book from Amazon to have on hand.  Just another way to finish a quilt top!  So many ways to try—some blocks are quilted before hand; some have strips to quilt and then seam.  Must try all ways to find a good way! 

Monday, January 6, 2025

Here we go 2025

 Every new year, there are those who look inward to self improvement—not me!  I’m just happy to make no promises or resolutions.  Besides, if I did, promises are made to be broken!  Live each day to the fullest—don’t care what tomorrow brings—tomorrow can take care of its self!  

I am, though, thinking of all those unfinished objects (UFOS) that fade into the background. Such good intentions gone to the side—lost in the land of UFOS!!  Hopefully, ……… 

Needless to say, I found these two

I love crayons!  And this tower is so cool!  
There are 12 of the cottages that have been traced, ready to be colored.  The object is to embroidery the cottages—so far—not happening!  Maybe, some day!  I just want to finish coloring—make a decision on stitching later. 

Angels!  Another passion—these are stitched with water colored yarns that I dyed

No idea what the finish product will be—just stitching.  I call this “slow” stitching! 

Found this idea—looks great!  

Sloooow Stitching!

What is slow stitching?  Join in—visit Jen Daly with her #100daysofslow stitching on Instagram Or join with Jenny to stitch her monthly pat...