Monday, December 30, 2024

Over Commitment??

Oh, probably just threw myself down a deep rabbit one!  

Signed up for two year long knitting challenges.  I love both of these designers!  Just couldn’t resist! 

The first of the year brings excitement!  I can do it!  Yes, I know I can do it!  Winter weather will keep me home bound, near hot tea, in my comfy chair! 
Also, I know I can stash dive for yarns needed for these two projects!

My stash!  I’m certain these will work!  Fingers crossed!

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Twelve Days of Christmas!

What are the 12 days of Christmas?

The 12 days of Christmas is the period in Christian theology that marks the span between the birth of Christ and the coming of the Magi, the three wise men. It begins on December 25 (Christmas) and runs through January 6 (the Epiphany, sometimes also called Three Kings’ Day). The four weeks preceding Christmas are collectively known as Advent, which begins four Sundays before Christmas and ends on December 24.

Read meaning of 12 days on to discover facts about Twelve Days of Christmas and the song!

So, my day begins with a new challenge to accomplish these twelve days of Christmas!  

It’s quiet time from now till end of year—perfect time to knit on this project. 
Grab the pattern from their Facebook page or Ravelry group.  
Find your yarn to begin. 

Although I gathered a lot of Advent knitting adventures, not a one was begun!!  Now—I do have time to knit—pattern calls for fingering weight.  Lucky me, maybe, I have these yarns on hand—because I didn’t knit other projects that I planned!  

Procrastinating is a good thing!! 

Tuesday, December 24, 2024


 As usual, we’ve been running around—no method to our madness!  Gifts bought, gifts wrapped, who did we forget?  Plans made, plans cancelled!  Events attended raising holiday spirits.  Oh, the holiday parties!  So much rich food sampled. Visit with Santa!   We try to cram everything into these last days before Christmas.  

Daughter arrives today—early!! Thank goodness, her sister will retrieve her at the airport and they’ll do “sister” things.  We’ll meet up for late lunch—so happy to have our family unit together in one location for awhile—my heart is full!

In all this hubbub, there is a major flaw—how are we really celebrating the birth of Christ?  Do we have the right spirit in our hearts?  All these preparations, did we forget the one major reason we pull together for this day?

  You bet we did!  It’s not the gifts, the food, decorations, the pomp and circumstance—NO!  It’s the single fact—we BELIEVE!  

Yes!  We BELIEVE!  

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Beginnings of New Year Ideas

I'm already thinking about the new year and new beginnings--2024 was a lost year as far as new quilt starts--there was not a one began.  The last year was used to wrap up some loose blocks and do some quilting for tops.  Now, 2025 looks to be a year to begin new tops.  I've been shopping for block of the month challenges and found these listed below.  Will I keep up?  I doubt it BUT at least, I have a list and that is half the battle of conquering!  Join me! 

This looked promising as a block of the month.
Aby Quilts always has interesting techniques and uses color wisely.

Giant Bear Paws!  For a quilt top layout is interesting for sure~

I've never worked a block of the month from Happy Hour Stitches
I'll give it a try

Here is another one that is new to me--

Let's not leave out the Canadian blogs==this one from Canadian Quilter
Never go wrong with RBD block challenge

Hang on!  That's only the beginning!  2025 looks like a promising year for new blocks!

Wednesday, December 11, 2024


Unpacking my treasures to decorate our tree and house for the holidays.  It’s always a bitter sweet time—we’ve grown older and more sentimental about our treasures. So as I pull things from their year hibernation, , my thoughts go back to those years when….   .

These felted items were from an exchange with many other felters around the world 

So fun! To be creative with wool

Snowman, angel, mittens, boots—oh my! 

My first double woven project—not pretty

But—I tried double weave many many moons ago!

Another try—inlay via Theo Morman 
Technique —didn’t do many, but I tried it! 

About 20 years ago, as our weaving group was studying tartans—I researched our family to find our tartan, warped the loom, and wove yardage to construct a tartan Santa for each family unit—it was a fun project.  
Yes, treasures awaken memories! 


Wednesday, December 4, 2024


 How was your Thanksgiving?  We’ve eaten ourselves crazy!  Our son hosted this year.  He loves to smoke a turkey and prime rib roast.  Our favorite dishes accompany the mains.  There is spicy corn casserole, oven roasted green beans with lemon/Parmesan cheese, homemade drunk cranberry relish, fresh made butter rolls and desserts—oh, the desserts!!  Pumpkin cheesecake and mincemeat pie along with assortment of chocolate candies.  Football games for some while others play board games-always a good day!

December 1:  Today is our grand daughter’s birthday!  We try to make this day special.  Our evening included a hayride through holiday decorated area—

Before the hayride, we enjoyed a variety of chilies and soup. there was Mexican hot chocolate, cookies along with holiday music.  A fun day to celebrate this special person! 
As our guests arrived, I asked them to hang an ornament on our major tree—a great way to finish up that task! 

Time to decorate for Holidays!  Psst— already began before Thanksgiving!  That’s our little secret! 
This banner is brought out each year to remind me of friends in far away places—ages ago I participated in a Christmas quilt swap.  This was my receipt—I don’t even remember what I sent but this one is a treasure.  The artist didn’t sign her work, which is sad.  Alas, I think of the hands that created this piece of art. I'm celebrating my friends!

We have a small tree where we place ornaments we are given during the season.  The snow globe is musical and always a welcome addition to our display!

Our little tree is placed on the back patio. 

Only one seasonal quilt—got to do better next year! 

Sloooow Stitching!

What is slow stitching?  Join in—visit Jen Daly with her #100daysofslow stitching on Instagram Or join with Jenny to stitch her monthly pat...