Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Let’s Give Thanks!

 Here we are—day before our Thanksgiving in United States. Although it’s a national holiday, we like to give thanks Every day!  Even the small things are worth thanks!  

There are so many “thin” yarns in my stash.  I’ve learned to pair yarns together—little thanks here—my brain is still working!

I had a small amount of handspun angora, which I used in the first few rows.  I dropped that yarn off after four rows. Still had three yarns together.  Loved the handle of this hat!  My brain thought maybe it can be used in a pair of socks.

The pattern is from Purl Soho—several free patterns offered. 

Another free pattern—The Simple Thing!
Using a ball of handspun silk/woolblend—easy pattern to knit! 

Finished neck scarf. 
Here we go!  I’ve had this yarn forever!  It’s time to begin another Clapotis.  I knit this pattern when it was first revealed.  It was a beach coverup for daughter—somewhere along its life, it wandered off.  Certainly hope whomever has this Clapotis now—that
 you’re enjoying!  

This another free pattern—just giving thanks for the small things!

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

It's Time--

 It’s time to think about greeting cards I’ll send out this year.  Most years, if I’m not feeling pressed, I’ll create my own cards.  One year I used my rubber stamp to emboss on velvet—another time I did ribbon weaving to decorate my cards.  This year I’ll use woven samples as my theme. 

Over the years, I’ve participated in several weaving study groups which created hundreds of samples, which I’ve saved—naturally. 

Here are some cards I’ve received from other weavers.  These will give you an idea of how to make your own greeting cards. 

One friend loved weaving with inlay (Krokbragd) 
I have several over the years—always different

Quilted, strips of woven braid, off loom weaving

More cutouts

Ribbon weaving

This year I’ll use photo cards, which I purchased last year during clearance sale

Almost ready to mail to my very closest friends!!

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Warm Heads

All year long, there is time to knit and a hat is my go to.  There are so many different techniques to try with an outcome of a useful item.

There stash bin is loaded with various yarns; along with a variety of colors.  Learning the basic concept and construction of a hat, your hands can wander with needles and yarn.  Hat above is a “ wing” it hat—a wide brim leads into plain knit.  Continue till the appropriate length deserved, begin decreases.  La La La you have a perfect pull on warm clothing piece. 

This hat is shaped to be a beret—short brim with burgling knit style.  

Another finish!  

Stack of finished hats—well, not all finished; that last bit of weaving in ends is a chore in my book!

This free pattern will keep you occupied for a few hours

Here is another free pattern from Twin Stitches

Ok, you ask— what to do with all these hats?  Easy!  Gift a hat or two to a friend; give to homeless; seek out children groups in need; look to disaster areas—
I send mine to 

Or needed here

Ready, set, knit!  There is always an outlet for your craft.  


Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Surface Design Issues

There is a box filled with surface designed fabrics—these fabrics date several years—well aged now.  I have been using some of the fabrics for quilt backs
There are rust, sprinkled, scrunched, brunched, etc ones— why were they were not they being used?!  I’ve even cut pieces for quilt tops; but the pile isn’t diminishing any—

At one time I was involved with a surface design group and we would exchange different techniques or I would take a workshop, so the fabrics continue to grow. 

I pulled a few out the other day and decided on a project to showcase this variety.  

Dyeing and stamping on moirés silk was a pleasure—the hand so soft—this will be the back for a pillow!

I found this photo transfer (middle) for center, added other manipulated pieces to the sides, top and bottom—perfect!!  The making of pillow top—

Sewed the backing, stuffed with poly fill and 

You have a nice display of my art work from ages ago!  I’m quite satisfied!!
More forthcoming for sure!!

Sloooow Stitching!

What is slow stitching?  Join in—visit Jen Daly with her #100daysofslow stitching on Instagram Or join with Jenny to stitch her monthly pat...