Sunday, January 28, 2024

The Weekend

 Love me THE WEEKEND!  Even though we are retired, there seems to be many events that take place only on the weekend.  in our community, we have eleven (yes 11) high schools and during January and February, the fine arts department present their play productions.  Fine performances each and every one of these presentations!  We have only so much time to devote to seeing these interesting and entertaining events.  The price is right!  The locations are close!  The high schoolers are outstanding!  We can't believe we are watching 16-17 year olds on stage--they have such talent, poise, ability!  It makes one proud to see our future. 

We were fortunate to see three of these plays--One night we attened "Bright Star" a musical--we do love these plays the best!  WE are amazed at the singing voices of these "kids"!

We'd not heard of this play--written by Steve Martin and Edie Brickell
" It is set in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina in 1945–46 with flashbacks to 1923. The musical is inspired by their Grammy-winning collaboration on the 2013 bluegrass album Love Has Come for You[1] and, in turn, the folk story of the Iron Mountain Baby"
It is definitely P13 rating as the topic is a tough one.

Another night we viewed "Pippin" Another musical--we once again could not believe the variety of these stage performances!
"Heir to the Frankish throne, the young prince Pippin is in search of the secret to true happiness and fulfillment. He seeks it in the glories of the battlefield, the temptations of the flesh and the intrigues of political power (after disposing of his father, King Charlemagne the Great).

The third night we attended "Tuck Everlasting" based on children's literature

There is only so much time in one weekend--we were unable to see the other productions--"Mama Mia", "Sponge Bob Musical", "Anastasia", "The Wiz", Arsenic and Old Lace", and "Beauty and the Beast" (which we'll see next weekend)  
Last year, we attended "Cinderella", Anastasia" and "Mama Mia"--all greatly loved!
The other schools presented their productions when we could not attend.  Ahh, so sad for us!

Next weekend we’ll attend another version of above play!  

Enjoy! each! every! minute!

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Hear ye! Hear ye!

 Couple of things that should be noticed. 

First,  hearts galore!  It’s time to stitch up hearts! 

Check out Fort Worth Fabric Studio for this free pattern—first step is up. 

Second:  I finished another Musselburgh hat—my fourth one.
Still not to my satisfaction!  I’ll begin another one this week—maybe, the next one will be the right one.  Sure is using a lot of stash yarn!

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Not feeling IT!

 Just not feeling IT!  I’ve not been to the sewing machine for weeks.  There are blocks to be made—a start on Bonnie’s new mystery was abandoned after the second week—collecting the steps though as the pattern will soon disappear from her site.  Of course, many other quilt ideas lay neglected.  

A friend gave me a journal for my birthday—with really nice blank pages.  I can’t motivate myself to write on those pages—such a brand new start lies there in front of my eyes. 

 Here I sit sipping my tea and munching on biscotti

The journal is here, looking so nice and pretty!  
 Most often I use this blog as my journal—why mess up those clean pages? 
Just not feeling it.

Can’t get motivated to sit and sew. 

I’m sitting though—knitting!  I’m definitely feeling that. 
I finished my socks!! Yay!  That I’m feeling!!
Onto the next pair! 

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Think Hearts 💕

 I always hate putting away Christmas decorations!  The house looks bare and I feel sad; alas, Valentine and Mardi Gras items take place throughout the house. 

There are pillows

Cute Knick knacks appear
Colorful Mardi Gras wreath graces the front door

And garden flag flips in the breeze
All this gives an uplift to winter weather.

It's beginning to look alot like Valentine's Day!  Oh yes!  Lots of hearts filling out stores; our interest in decorating and creating in red, white and pink!
The above banner is presented by Fat Quarter Shop
There is also cross stitch pattern available.  Wish I could do cross stitch again!

If you like to crochet, then this is for you--

A nice garland to crochett!
How about knitting a pair of socks to wear on VD?
Perfect!  Hearts x 3 and a lesson on cables!
Still looking for those special treats to celebrate the season!

Wednesday, January 10, 2024


Starting the new year off right??

Listening on Everand app to Agatha Christie January book—4:50 From Paddington—as I’m listening, I realize—I know the ending because, I’ve read this book before!
It’s all good, just move onto the next one;

 through #ReadChristie2024, we’ll read The Mysterious Affair at Styles—Agatha’s very first detective novel—each quarter a different decade will be discussed—Agatha never fails! 

We are walking our mile+ every day!  Pat ourselves on the back—yay!!  Some days, the weather doesn’t cooperate meaning our walk is at the local mall or Wally World or large grocery store—the later isn’t the best—buy too many not necessary items!  If we walk the mall, the stores aren’t open!

Hubby is listening with me to audiobook on Spotify—did you know that was available?  You get 15 hours each month.  Also, Kindle unlimited has audiobooks as well!!  Catching upon my list to read. 

We are accepting the alphabet challenge for our cooking sessions—every other Wednesday, the group will post a recipe beginning with letter—let’s start with A = Almond chicken— yummy! Play along—always need good recipes!  Recipe was easy and delicious!  Only need to fill in for 13 days till 3rd Wednesday. 

Here are projects, if you need something to occupy your time! 

Hen Party Free BOM begins March 2024 

Quilt of Valor for you to create from Alycia Quilts--this quilt will measure 64x80 and it's a mystery.
Round up those red, white and blue fabrics!

Nancy Zieman'Production is hosting "the easiest" BOM ever!  new quilt block tutorial starting on January 20! And on the third Saturday of each month in 2024.

Join me and others as we knit
#monstermusselburghkal2024 —mine is coming along nicely plus I’m using up stash yarns!

Jenny of Elefantz has two stitch alongs--"Joy in the Ordinary" blocks and her 

annual January Tea Towel post 
Her stitchery patterns are lovely and a joy to work!

No reason to be bored during these “dark days” of January!  



Sunday, January 7, 2024


No planning involved!  Time to stay home for this round robin….you are in charge of what goes next.  No need to hand your lovely medallion to some unknown person to add something ugly to the border. Just stay home and relax!  This is also a way to use up those orphan blocks.

Quilting Gail is hosting another round robin where you stay home==You and your centre block and the borders all stay home. You have to make the decisions as to what to add when given directions. How big, how many … it’s up to you.  Several bloggers are working along with you so there may be short tutorials on some of their blogs.
No need to sign up!

  • January 15: Quilting Gail will host the first linky party … for you to show your centre block … but you’ll have to visit each of the SAHRR co-host bloggers to see their centre blocks
  • January 22: 1st Round:   Wendy @ Pieceful Thoughts of My Quilting Life
  • January 29: 2nd Round:   Anja @ Anja Quilts
  • February 5: 3rd Round:  Emily @ The Darling Dogwood
  • February 12: 4th Round:  Brenda @ Songbird Designs
  • February 19: 5th Round: ME!!! @ Quilting Gail 
  • February 26: 6th Round:  Kathleen @ Kathleen McMusing
  • March 18:Parade: showing all of your finished SAHRRs!
Find that perfect center block and begin--this is a opportunity to use orphan blocks like I did in 2022 Round Robin
Here is my stay at home RR 2022

This is the center block, surrounded by signature blocks

Here’s a way to use your fabric scraps!! Love these scrappy blocks—of course, my favorite border will always to star points (flying geese)  Check out Fat Quarter Shoppe for this scrappy sew along.
Also at Fat Quarter Shoppe, you can find the 2024 charity quilt Moonbeams pattern

Stash yarn?  Yelp—always!  Here begins Musselburgh hat pattern ( you can find the pattern on several sites).  Just knit, knit, knit…..once you have mastered casting on 8 stitches to 4 double pointed needles!

All thumbs at first!
Well, it’s there; don’t know why there is one long stitch in the middle—it’s all good, will take care of it later
As you increase, knitting becomes easier!  Hat will grow. 
After fiddling with the start of this, many days later, I stumbled upon tutorial of how to do pinhole cast one from 
Definitely, a game changer!!

Still haven’t finished the advent scarf—it’s become another UFO to finish in 2024–
BUT, I did cast on  pair of socks, using very aged yarn!  Yes!! Hope to finish these socks to wear, sometime soon…

Wednesday, January 3, 2024


 Yay!  We have made it to another year—January dawns bright and new. As we do.  Resolutions? Not me!  But, it’s always a great time to refresh our thoughts and ideas—diet?  Yes, of course! We are ready to change our eating habits.  We had so many guilty pleasures in last few months. Time to re-route, make new plans, take a different path. What path will you take?  Here are some suggestions…..

  • Perform a daily act of kindness
  • Begin a journal—list your gratitudes
  • Practice saying “ NO”
  • Learn something new
  • Take a social media break 
  • Make goals, not resolutions
  • Read along with several as they venture through Agatha Christie—#officialagathachristie

  • Take walks—join a challenge, like this one
  • Meditate
  • Volunteer
  • Pay it forward
  • Cook a new recipe
  • Try a new hobby 
  • Make your bed every day!!
For me—I’d like to do all these things!  We’ll begin January one with good intentions and by end of January, the road will turn a curve!
my weaving and spinning has been at a stand still—that will be revamped!!  
Of course, there is always UFOS to be complete.

A New Year! A New Beginning! Refresh! Rejoice in the newness! 
Happy 2024!!

Sloooow Stitching!

What is slow stitching?  Join in—visit Jen Daly with her #100daysofslow stitching on Instagram Or join with Jenny to stitch her monthly pat...